medical course in malaysia

Frequently asked questions related to medicine studies

Entry requirement to study medicine 

To pursue a medical course in malaysia you should start from the very scratch which is during your schooling times itself. You need to take up science stream which comprises all these subjects like biology, chemistry, physics and also additional mathematics. These are the fundamentals in all the other subjects and courses that you are going to take when you continue it to the bachelors level. Upon completion of your schooling studies you can opt from choosing options from different avenues to continue your journey in becoming a doctor. You could either do foundation in science, matriculation, Pre-U programme in science stream or medical course diploma. You should also have a good command of the English language in order to qualify you further. 

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How long will it takes to to complete the studies 

Approximately it would take about 5-6 years to complete a MBBS programme in malaysia. This duration is inclusive of the foundation course that comes together with it. Sometimes people would want to continue studying overseas thinking they could cut down the duration but in reality you can cut the duration in medical courses. There are no shortcuts to it. 

How much would it cost to study medicine 

The estimated fee to pursue a medical degree in Malaysia ranges from RM 250000 to RM650000. This amount depends on the institution that you are pursuing. You would definitely need to pay more if you want to continue in a private institution. It also depends on the duration of the course. If you happen to fail any paper that requires you to repeat then you would definitely need to spend more on it. 

Study Health and Medicine in Malaysia | Diploma, Bachelor's Degree

The pathway of becoming a doctor in malaysia is laid out as below

  1. You would need to complete a pre-medical course in advance (Foundation, matriculation or STPM). 
  2. Enroll in a MBBS degree programme. Do adequate research about the university or college. This would give you a better understanding of what you can expect during your course there. 
  3. Upon completion of study, you would need to go through a 2 year housemanship course. This is very similar to an internship. 
  4. Once you are done with your housemanship, you are qualified to apply for a medical officer with MMC.
  5. After registration you would need to continue your service for the government for 2 years before opting to branch out. 
  6. At this point you could choose if you want to specialize any field or just continue as a general doctor. For example if you want to specialize in pediatrician or perhaps gynecology, you would need to pursue postgraduate studies which would take additional 4-5 years to complete. 
  7. Once you are done with that, you have to undergo additional 2-4 years of supervised training as a specialist. 
  8. Finally once you have met all the criteria you are now qualified to become a specialist. Congratulations and go pursue after your goals and ambition in life. Always remember to do adequate research before committing into anything 






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